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Off the top

A blog dedicated to the Source of everything good.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Scripture songs

Over the past few years, my family has been involved in recording Scripture memory songs for children. The project is the brainchild of Steve Harrow and his wife Anne, who is my husband’s sister.

Participation in this project has been very meaningful for a number of reasons. First of all, Steve is someone of profound gifting who, since his conversion more than 20 years ago, has allowed the purpose of his talents to be truly redeemed. His creativity is not bound by self- or convention-consciousness, and he has given it fully, for God’s glory.

Second, it’s been very helpful to have songs to help my children learn the memory verses that are part of the homeschool curriculum we use (Sonlight). The bonus is that they are by family!

Third, it’s been a blessing to have our oldest son involved in learning and recording these songs with his cousins with whom he is very close. The opportunity to offer his musical talent to God in the context of familial rapport is a powerful thing. It’s also been wonderful for us (my son, his siblings, and myself) to sing many of the songs in worship at our church.

Fourth, it’s been fun to play a few notes on some of the tracks myself, along with my husband. We are both professional trumpeters.

I invite you to visit the official Sing the Word website.


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